This weekend, my friend Gaby visited for a quick trip to the city. We grew up together and I'll always feel lucky we have the kind of friendship that can survive long distance, that can be picked up in a heartbeat as if we haven't spent months apart. This weekend was no different: it was two days that felt much longer than such, full of eating, surviving the heat, and enjoying each other's company.
It was a quick weekend with Gaby and her friend Sarah, who she went to college with and also lives in New York. (And who, by virtue of also being close with Gaby is now one of my friends.) We did a lot of walking, and a fair amount of exploring, but ultimately it was pretty relaxed — even if the sun sapped our energy quite quickly.
Some highlights from this weekend:
brunch at the penrose // visiting the guggenheim // exploring dumbo // drinks at the broken shaker // drinks and dancing downtown // ...more drinks and spontaneity downtown // brunch at lafayette // kombucha (and other healthy things) at broken coconut // shopping in soho // seeking refuge in air conditioning // ordering pasta in and watching a movie
As someone that plans trips sometimes to the point of over-planning, it was odd to go into the weekend with not even a vague idea of what we were going to do. And it was exactly what I needed, to have a few days with no agenda and no expectations. Gaby, unlike me, has always been spontaneous, a trait I've always tried to emulate more of. Sarah has a similar disposition. We talked about this when we were out to drinks on Saturday, and Sarah said that hadn't always been the case. When I asked her what changed she shrugged and said something like, "I don't know. I just woke up one morning and realized I didn't give a fuck anymore." And how do they both keep from getting embarrassed? "Realizing it just doesn't matter."
It was a fun weekend. I will always be thankful to have Gaby in my life. (Fun fact: we realized we have almost completely opposite meyers briggs personality types. Yet somehow we work). And I'm thankful for new friends like Sarah, and fun memories like this weekend, and the reminder that some things just don't matter.
And finally, a few more pics from the weekend...